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Writer's pictureBrittany Green

Insta-Worthy, Instant Amazon and Sure Foundations

Last night I built a bookshelf. Let’s not get crazy, it wasn’t a Beauty and the Beast type of library. Just a simple small shelf to house the overflowing amount of books I have – because truly I have a problem in that I deeply love books but often lack the determination to finish them. Anyone else a kindred spirit in that? Just me, cool.

Anyway, this bookshelf was a simple Amazon find. Only a few shelves, all the tools were included, and theoretically was a piece of cake. Simple, classy, and thankfully cheap. Putting it together was going along fairly easy building the frame. It was when the shelves needed to be put in that it got a little tricky. I followed the directions, which probably only happens 50% of the time in my life. The directions told me to start with the top shelf, screw it to the frame and work my way down. First one – no problem, this will be done in no time! However, the next one, not so easy. You see the first one set the pace and the width for all the other shelves. And starting with the top allowed the frame to do whatever it wanted, which was naturally to be a little more narrow as it went down making it not straight anymore. It was a little off kilter.

So what’s a girl to do? Obviously bend the shelf to do what I want it to do and what it’s supposed to do. So I forced in the rest of the shelves with a lot of effort. However, the further down I went the easier it got. It was as if the bottom shelves should have been the starting place so I wouldn’t have to shove the shelves in. Starting at the bottom would have allowed the rest to fall easily into place.

Isn’t sometimes how our lives are? It’s so easy to skip over the essentials, while making sure the things that are easily seen to the world are nice and tidy – an insta-worthy life. I so often try to cram what I know to be essential and foundational to my faith into a day that’s already full, thinking about my relationship with Jesus after everything is done. Looking back, had I started with the foundation of the shelf, the rest of it would have fallen into place. Similarly, building the foundation of my faith is where I should start each morning.

In 1 Corinthians 3.10-13, Paul tells the church at Corinth to take care how each of them builds upon their foundation of faith. He says, “According to God’s grace that was given to me, I have laid a foundation as a skilled master builder, and another builds on it. But each one is to be careful how he builds on it. For no one can lay any foundation other than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work will become obvious. For the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire; the fire will test the quality of each one’s work.”

We need to carefully lay the foundation that Jesus started in us. We have to first, put our hope in Christ. He is our foundation. And then the way we build upon it is to get God’s word in our hearts daily. We need to daily start with the essentials. We need constant re-orientation with the horizon that is God’s Word. If not, our bookshelf might look great but it won’t hold up the weight that comes at us throughout life.

It’s our foundation that will last. The frills that we so often focus on will fade away. The accolades and nice things we store up for ourselves are fine, but if we’re not living for Jesus and allowing Him to be the center of our lives, then what’s it all for?

So, how’s your foundation? Are you intentionally putting God’s word in your heart? Are you seeking Him first, instead of fitting Him into your busy life? That’s a good way to have your wobbly frame crumble.

In today's Noisy Narrative podcast, Tonya Bradford from Lifetalk Pregnancy Center says, “If we just ask, God will give us the will and the strength to follow His guidance.”

Building our foundation starts with asking. Jesus started our foundation, has a purpose for our lives, and will carry it out to completion. He will get the glory, we just have to surrender to Him.

One part of the shelf instructions that I skipped over, because I’m a strong independent woman and don’t need help (or so I think), says “assembly will be made easier if two people work together.”

How fitting for life. When we work with Jesus instead of independently, when we bring people into our lives, our foundation will be firm. And that’s the life I want for you.

A sure foundation in Jesus.

Today's Post was written by Brittany Green, Girls Minister at Frisco First. She is awesome and amazing and we hope you are encouraged by her words today.

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