The picture above was taken when I was walking one morning. I thought it was stunning so I stopped to soak it up. But of course as with all things in life when you want to stop and take it in, other forces get in your way. That would be my dog, Timber, see picture below. We had to stop our walk, pause while I pull out my phone, then take my glasses off my face to find the right button and snap an amazing picture was like trying to rope a calf at a rodeo while singing the national anthem and standing in awe of our great country. It was a ridiculous scene.

I share this because this being our first blog of the year and it being in September, we are all looking excited to the fresh cold air that blows through soon. The changing of season, out with the old and in with the new.
Even this morning I told my daughter I am so sick of wearing short sleeve shirts, I am ready to put a sweater over my arms. I want to be cool and cozy not sticky and gross. ALL. THE. TIME!
As we move into a season of crisper air, planning our crockpot meals and enjoying football games, I was wondering if anyone else is cleaning or getting ready for the change. I noticed recently a lot of socks laying around our house, yes the children are too lazy to put them in the dirty clothes hamper. So what happens, I pick them up and then EVERY SINGLE TIME, I hold them up to my nose to smell them. Why? I know they are dirty, I can tell by the way they look, turned inside out, their crunch factor, their color and where they are currently sitting because if they were clean they would be in a drawer but all these facts do not stop me from doing the smell test every single time. I pick them, hold them up to my nose and take a big smell and then guess what, they stink! They are dirty, then I proceed to shake my head and throw them into the dirty clothes basket.
I know you are thinking - I need train them, teach them, punish them when it happens. I have tried, I quit and have mailed it in. So now I just complain and tell them to pick them up as I see them with a very given up tone, not even bothered with their lack of attentiveness.
So this is what I am going to commit too for the next two weeks, I am going to commit to not picking up socks, talking about it or even growling when I walk by them.
I share this because I hope you have things in your life you are excited about Fall of 2022: new attitudes, new perspectives, new commitments, new spiritual disciplines.
We are coming back to the third season of Noisy Narrative. We take the summers off from writing and recording and do a little pondering and reflecting and planning. We don’t realize how much we need it.
This summer I was able to reflect on the good that God has done in my life. I was able to offer up gratitude and stand in awe of how God has brought me through so many crazy seasons. I am grateful and humbled.
1 Peter 1:3-5 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”
Back to the socks, just as I wrapped writing this I am going to change what I initially proposed. I am going allow Jesus to move in me and through me. I am going to pick them up the crunchy smelly socks and have joy. My joy is going to be based on the fact that God has been picking up my stinky socks for my whole life and has helped me realize that I need to do this for my little blessings. With this new perspective I see these kids only living in the home for a couple more years. They are healthy, happy and like being at home and full of energy and life - (clearly not enough that would allow them to bend at the waist and engage with the socks on the ground). We are excited about another season of Noisy Narratives and grateful that you have continue to join us on this fun adventure. Thank you!
New Season Blog Update!
We are going to feature new writers on the blog. On the blog side we will be talking with the ministers from First Baptist Frisco and amazing women to learn and grow.
I also want to use this as a time if you are looking for something new and fresh to join us this semester in community - we do community through bible study, small group settings and monthly gathers. Join us next Monday for our Xtreme Bingo Night at 6:30 p.m. Register here!